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Why do I get a D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call error in vMix?

If you get an error message for D3DERR_INVALIDCALL: Invalid call in vMix, this means that there is a graphics related issue. The most common causes are:
1) You do not have a DirectX 10 or higher compatible graphics card installed. Make sure your graphics card meets our minimum system requirements - https://www.vmix.com/software/supported-hardware.aspx#systemrequirements
2) Often there can be an issue with the graphics drivers not being installed or needing to be reinstalled again when this error appears. Particularly if you have recently done a Windows Update. So reinstall the drivers for your graphics card and try again.
3) Another program on the computer is interfering with the graphics. We have a tool called vMix Diagnostics that will do a quick scan to identify and report programs that run in the middle of vMix and the graphics card, potentially reducing performance and causing other issues. We recommend running this tool to identify any potential programs creating issues with the graphics. See more in the following knowledge base article for "vMix Diagnostics"

Last Updated: Friday, August 17, 2018 9:41:28 AM